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Pine AI

Use Cases

Below you can find examples and of how Pine AI can boost your productivity in Excel with the power of AI.

Excel formulas & VBA code generation, correction and explanations, data & text analysis, translations, unstructured and non-standard string extractions, data generation based on worksheet data and more.

1. Extract strings from cells, containing non-structured and non-standardized data

Extract strings from cells, containing non-structured and non-standardized data in Excel with Pine AI

In this example, Pine AI is used to extract the first and last names of people, who have submitted survey responses. The names are submitted in a non-structured way as part of the general survey answer and in each response the name is in a different location in the cell, with no clear logical connection to position, other text or length. The only way to extract the names with standard Excel features is to go through each response one by one and manually write the names in the respective column.

With Pine AI, users simply need to select the responses , specify the request and click Submit. The system will then go through each cell, find the names in the string and will extract it to the required location. All of this will take several seconds.

2. Fill in the missing data with AI generated input

Fill in and generate the missing data in Excel with Pine AI

In this example, we have a list of customer IDs and the cities that they are based in. However, for some reason, the respective residence country is missing. To add the country names, users would normally go through each row manually and type in the country name one by one. And in case the city is not familiar, they'd even need to check in Google or in a map (if they feel adventurous).

With Pine AI, all users need to do, in order to fill in the country name, is to select the column with the city, specify the request and click Submit. Pine AI will automatically add the corresponding country to each city, regardless of how unknown it might be.

3. Translate data directly in Excel

Translate data directly in Excel with Pine AI

Pine AI can be used as a great translation tool. Sure, there are plenty of them out there, but the big advantage is that you can translate data without ever leaving Excel. Simply select the range you want to translate, specify in which language you want to have the data in and that's it. Pine AI will read the data, translate it and populate it straight back into the desired Excel location.

4. Analyze Excel data and suggest actions points in natural language

Analyze Excel data and suggest actions points in natural language with Pine AI

Pine AI can be used to analyze data directly from your worksheet and can provide a summary in a natural language, thus saving time from manual summarization and explanation. As it can understand the context of the data, you will be able to ask specific questions on it and even ask for suggestions, like improvement ideas and action points.

In tis example we have a table for 2 different products, their sales for three months and respective sales targets. Pine AI is able to understand the data and logical connection between the different columns and rows and provides a summary, together with some improvement actions, as requested in the prompt.

5. Generate, fix and explain Excel formulas and VBA code

One of the main features of any Excel AI tool is the ability to generate, explain and fix Excel formulas and VBA code. This is of course something that Pine AI excels at.


The need to search for hours for the right formula or code and to adjust it to your worksheet is now gone. All you have to do is explain what they need to achieve, specify in which cells your data is and they will be generated with the respective cell addresses already integrated. It is also worth mentioning that generated formulas can be nested, complex ones, so you will not be limited to simple functions.

After generating a VBA code, it can then be executed directly from the Pine AI menu, without ever opening the Developer tab, thus creating automation capabilities for even less advanced Excel users. It is important to mention, that AI generated code is often times not perfect and may result in errors. Simpler codes will run more often than not without any issues, as generated. For example, if you want to color cells in red based on some complex criteria, not otherwise possible with Conditional Formatting, and then to create new sheets for each of these values with the respective data copied there. This is something that will work without the need for manual intervention and without the need to understand VBA in detail. However, more complex code will most probably have the need to be reviewed and adjusted from time to time, so VBA knowledge is preferred.


It is always advised to understand what the code will do prior to executing it, just to be sure that there aren't any unwanted steps included. And since changes made with VBA are irreversible, it is advisable to back up your files prior executing any code, especially if it is AI generated and you are not 100% sure what it does.


These were just a few examples of what is possible to achieve with Pine AI in Excel and how it can help improve your productivity and save you time, allowing you to focus more on the analysis of the data itself and other more value-added activities, than doing manual work or searching for the right information online.

Even with Microsoft's own Copilot for Excel, many of these features are not currently possible. Maybe they will become available at one point in the future, as there are huge opportunities to increase productivity and efficiency when working in Excel for both beginner and advanced users. However, until then Pine AI remains one of the very few options to do so.

It is important to understand that Pine AI utilized ChatGPT to analyze data and generate results. All submitted information is sent to and processed by OpenAI. Therefore, users should be conscious of submitting sensitive data.

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