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Allows for multi-dimensional view of a bar chart, where one metric is displayed through the bar height and the other through the bar color. In this example, the Product Sales are shown by the bar height and the Profit can be seen via their colors.

Bar Chart - Conditional Formatting

  • FREE Download

    Watch how to create this chart and Download it for FREE with the Coupon in the video description.

  • License

    This file may not be sold, distributed, published to an online gallery, hosted on a website, or placed on any server in a way that makes it available to the general public.

  • Compatibility

    This Template is supported by Microsoft Excel 2007 and above!


"Amazing design and value! Waiting for the next products!"

Alexander Y.

"Amazing design and value! Waiting for the next products!"

Steve Sunder

President Sunder Vision Solutions

"I've been using Pinexl dashboards for a few months and love them and the detail they display!"

"I've been using Pinexl dashboards for a few months and love them and the detail they display!"

Mohamed F.

"Amazing! This would really help me a lot in my new role! Looking forward to more such creative dashboards!"

"Amazing! This would really help me a lot in my new role! Looking forward to more such creative dashboards!"

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